Architects Salary Report
What are the average salary levels within the architecture industry?
The RIBA Jobs Salary Report provides the average salaries for those who work in RIBA Chartered Practices, by region and practice size. RIBA’s Head of Economic Research and Analysis, Adrian Malleson reviews the salary data from the 2024 RIBA Business Benchmarking Report.
Salaries have continued their long-term upward trend, with average pay rising across all staff categories this year. Increases range from 3 to 5% for most roles, although senior staff - such as Associates and Salaried Partners & Directors - have seen smaller rises.
The RIBA Jobs Salary Report uses data from the RIBA Business Benchmarking Report, published in November 2024, drawing on insights from nearly 4,000 RIBA Chartered Practices. Further detailed analyses of practice finances and staffing are available exclusively to RIBA Chartered Practices.
The Real Living Wage and the ‘pay gap’
RIBA Chartered Practices operating in the UK are required to pay at least the Real Living Wage, as defined by the Living Wage Foundation, to all staff, including freelance staff and students. Further details can be found in the recently released RIBA Workplace Wellbeing Practice Note.
Practices also need to be attentive to gender and ethnicity pay gaps.
This year the gender pay gap remains at 16% overall. The ethnicity pay gap, which measures the difference in average pay between Asian/Asian British, Black/African/Caribbean/Black British, mixed/multiple and other ethnic groups and white staff, is 13%, similar to last year’s figure.
Salaries by region and practice
The interactive tables below give the average salaries of those working in RIBA Chartered Practices.
To use the tables, click on the “Region” or “Practice Size” drop-down box in the top left, and select the data you are interested in. The table will be updated with your selection. Where there are blanks within a table, this is because there is insufficient data to display meaningfully. You may need to wait a short while for the tables to load.
National averages are provided by the default “All” selection in the regional tables.
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Salaries per region
This table shows average (median) salaries by staff type and region (using the drop-down box). It includes data for all practice sizes.
Salaries for practices with fewer than 20 staff
This table shows average (median) salaries by staff type and practice size (using the drop-down box) for practices with fewer than 20 staff. It includes only data for practices with fewer than 20 staff and the “All” selection shows the average across practices with fewer than 20 staff.
Salaries for practices with 20 staff or more
This table shows the average (median) salaries by staff type and practice size (using the drop-down box) for practices with 20 staff or more. It includes only data for practices with 20 staff or more staff, and the “All” selection shows the average across practices with 20 staff or more.
Survey notes:
- RIBA Chartered Practices were asked to provide data on the ‘average’ salary paid to each type of staff. Respondents calculated the ‘average’ themselves; we asked that this should ideally be the median average.
- We asked for the basic salary, excluding overtime. This is the salary received by the employee before tax and National Insurance are deducted but excluding the Employer’s National Insurance costs.
- The basic salary was the salary being paid on 1 May 2024. The salary included profit share, where given, and if included it was the average profit share across the year. Bonus payments are not included.
- Partners/Directors/Sole Principals are treated differently. Their salary is combined with Partners' share of profits and Directors' dividends.
- All salaries have been converted by respondents to full-time equivalent. Salaries, dividends or profits shares and fringe benefits for Partners/Directors/Sole Principals are an approximation of the totals paid in the 12 months to 1 May 2024.
- Average earnings are reported here as 'median' averages, as distinct from 'mean' averages. This follows the approach used in the RIBA/The Fees Bureau Architects' Earnings Survey - the median average is virtually unaffected by the presence of any unusually high or low values.
- Data on gender and ethnicity pay gaps relate only to larger practices that completed a separate spreadsheet. These are mainly, although not exclusively, practices with 100+ staff, self-selected.
Excerpts taken from the 2024 RIBA Business Benchmarking Report, prepared for RIBA by The Fees Bureau.
RIBA Jobs is the official job board of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) for architecture and design-related roles and is unique in its ability to support the profession.